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Diet pop during pregnancy -

19-12-2016 à 17:15:32
Diet pop during pregnancy
A smaller study of about 3,000 women showed that those who drank artificially sweetened beverages every day during pregnancy were more likely to have babies who were overweight at age 1. POPULAR Getting Pregnant Fast Pregnancy Symptoms Pregnancy Tests Chart Your Cycle Coping with Fertility Problems Timing Sex for Pregnancy What to Avoid When Trying. While the diet versions of these drinks may be touted as a safe alternative, can we be sure that they are really safe. You would need to find out which ones are safe during pregnancy and which are not. We will use your information to send you our newsletters, coupons and special offers, and we share your information with our partners. Consuming diet drinks during pregnancy does however seem like an unnecessary risk, as there are constantly new products flooding the market, and research can not always keep pace. The greater your consumption of diet drinks during pregnancy the lower the consumption of water, fresh fruit juices and milk, which are actually valuable fluid sources for essential nutrients. To be on the safe side, you may want to limit the amount of soda you drink. Most non-nutritive sweeteners that are used are considered to be safe. These findings are not definitive and experts are continuing to study the topic.

Most of us have become so hooked on to sodas and colas that life without them seems quite bleak. Some of these products use sweeteners that are harmful, while unscrupulous manufacturers have also been known in the past to withhold information of suspect ingredients. The sensible thing to do in my here, would be to play it safe and avoid diet drinks during pregnancy or at least severely restrict your intake. Discipline Strategies Child Height Predictor Playdates Learning Product Recall Finder. An occasional soft drink is not likely to do you any harm. But research has raised concerns about both diet soda and regular soft drinks during pregnancy. One large study of more than 60,000 pregnant women found that those who drank more than one artificially sweetened or sugar-sweetened beverage a day had an increased risk of preterm delivery. Unfortunately, this trend that has become quite natural can be damaging as studies have clearly illustrated in recent years. Learning Raising Girls, Raising Boys Talking About Difficult Subjects. Establishing good sleep habits can stop baby sleep problems before they start. POPULAR Preschool Basics Parenting Strategies Is Your Child Gifted. Another reason to limit your intake, though, is that many sodas contain caffeine.

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Diet pop during pregnancy
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